Ready, Set ... Listen!

Thanks for your emails and comments. It took me half of my sunday, which I actually hadn't planned, to finally get your christmas present up and running. Originally I wanted to just put this service in action as it was provided by, but since their support seems to be on holiday-mode and there seems to be no way to get the feature up and running for now, I have worked on this little alternative.

I will add more mp3 files to the playlist soon and will probably either replace this player with a larger one, where you can pick which post you want to listen to. Or alternatively, once Odiogo gets their stuff together and offers both a player that will work on my site and a few more design options I might return to their service as planned.

Let me know how you like this feature!
Once again: Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!


  1. this is just beyond amazing. the voice is pitch perfect, and it gives a lot of meaning to the sentences. perfect gift for us fincherfanatics.

    thanks a lot for this. have a good year, FINCHERFANATIC master chief.


  2. There's better :

