As Morgan Freeman stated in a recent MTV interview, "We're still pushing for 'Rendezvous With Rama,' that's a got-to-be-done movie. Just have to figure out how to do it. I've been trying for – I don't know – 15 years now to get a script. You would think it was easier than it is. It's not; it's really hard. (...) It's a hard nut to crack, but once it's cracked it could become something."
And what makes this news noteworthy for the fincherfanatic blog of course is this part: "Fincher is still part of the conversation."
Indeed with the recent mega-success of Avatar, Rama's hopes and prospects to get financing should be on the rise, both for being a science fiction film and most likely to be shot in 3D. Who knows, maybe Fincher's long-overdue Oscar, which he might now win for "The Social Network" is one of the missing final puzzle pieces.
It stuns me that script work on the project seems so overwhelming. Of course I don't know the original material. But 15 years in the making, you would believe the one thing they have their hands on by now is a rock solid script.
Big thanks to the anonymous contributor.
In the third part of the profile on David Fincher, the director talks about his attraction to Rendezvous with Rama.
I was so sad hearing the rumors the film is postponed/canceled. Now I'm happier. The book is still my best sci fi.