A Hit In The Ear

Yay, folks! Tomorrow is the big day: November 17th, the BluRay US-release date for David Fincher's cult-classic masterpiece FIGHT CLUB! Celebrating the occasion, here's a mouth ear-watering interview with our favorite sounddesigner Ren Klyce.

The sound in David Fincher movies is always exceptional. PANIC ROOM, ZODIAC, FIGHT CLUB. While each of these films, and Fincher's work in general, is mostly measured by the brilliance of his visual story-telling, Fincher is a true genius also when it comes to audio. Ren Klyce then deserves all the credit for making Fincher's sound visions come alive, since he is the go-to guy for all things audible in the Fincher universe.

The BluRay disc includes a special feature on the film's sound design, called "A Hit in the Ear". And if you own and love the PANIC ROOM 3-disc Special Edition, which has a short segment with Klyce talking about his craft, surely you will love this as well.

The interview is available on Slashfilm.com and comes with a neat little article by a non-fanboy, previewing some of the BluRay greatness.

And before you head out into the big world again... here's a great way to support this blog without extra-spending: The FIGHT CLUB BR is now available via this blog's Amazon astore. Shipping, handling and pricing is done by Amazon.com, and currently at $17.99.


This way to the Slashfilm article:

1 comment:

  1. Wow, 10 years! It's my #1 Movie of All Time for ten years!! And it seems nothing will top it for the next decade :)
