Fight Club BluRay Artwork

I don't have a lot of time to write here, but really all this post boils down to is: 20th Century Fox released the official artwork for the upcoming "10th Anniversary" BluRay of FIGHT CLUB.

How do you like it?


  1. I like it... but the original Special Edition is far better. And I don't get why they have to put a blue Bluray enclosure around every artwork, that sucks and looks gay! Ruins the cover for me.

  2. Cool. But I agree: The original special edition was brilliant!

  3. and no matter how ugly the bluray enclosure might look, i'll buy this.

    that's how much i like fincher's work.

  4. thiago, the money won't go to fincher, it will go to a big studio with lots of money anyway...

  5. yeah anon... it's a shame. but i'm certain i won't be able to contain myself. i gotta have everything fight club. i don't obsess about anything, but fight club, damn it... the thing is on my skin for crying out loud, lol. i'll cut fox some slack just this once.
