Directing Lessons By Fincher

Don't know if you guys remember: Quite a while back there was this rumor going around that Limp Bizkit leadsinger Fred Durst was taking directing lessons from David Fincher. Now if you skip through Durst's interview on his latest film "The Longshots" it looks like there was at least an ounce of truth to the rumor ...

Dursts compares himself to FIGHT CLUB character Tyler Durden and calls David Fincher a "mentor". The interview also nurtures the notion that Durst and Fincher have become friends over the course of "Panic Room", "Lords of Dogtown" and "Zodiac", and that Fincher in one way or the other guided Dursts career and the awareness of his talent.

Personally I don't care too much about Durst's latest directing effort. But then he's still a newcomer. And I'll be keeping an eye on what "personal Fincher lessons" will do for him.

If you care to read, here's the Durst interview: Fred Durst, family film director?

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen "The Longshots" but I saw a couple of Limp Bizkit videos he directed and I liked them at the time (especially Boiler and Eat You Alive).

    He made a good choice for his "mentor" ;)
