"Fight Club" Author's New: "Snuff"

Too bad it ain't really Fincher related, so I promise to keep this really short. "Fight Club" scribe Chuck Palahniuk has his second movie adaptation, "Choke", coming out this summer (and yes, it's actually about a sex-addicted con-man, who pays for his mother's hospital bills by playing on the sympathies of those who rescue him from choking to death). And on top of that, he has an all new novel lined up for release.

I know many of you love "Fight Club" to death, and since this blog is about the Work and Genius of David Fincher and nothing much else, I want to just provide fans of this classic movie with some more links and bits for their cravings.

Here's a bunch of links. Enjoy!
The Daily Texan: Chuck Palahniuk up to Snuff
Access Atlanta: Fight Club author's new novel ...
Chuck Palahniuk explains: Writer's Constipation

Mock trailers:
The Wizard Of Ass
Chitty Chitty Gang Bang
Twilight Bone

Mock interviews:
Chuck Palahniuk interviews Cassie Wright, Pt.1
Chuck Palahniuk interviews Cassie Wright, Pt.2
Chuck Palahniuk interviews Cassie Wright, Pt.3


  1. Chitty Chitty Gang Bang! lol

  2. not really funny or interesting. just trashy.

    keep the news fincher only, please!
    this is a bit too far reached out.

  3. Who are all these anonymous people who come here to spoil our fun.

    Stop it please.

    Just keep moving if you see something here you don't like.

  4. nicely put kevin.
