David Fincher Interview by A.K. Walker

Haha, internet: On a long-enough time-line and through countless hours of searching and stumbling it will eventually surface things you never thought existed. This time it's a very rare interview with David Fincher ... conducted by none other than Andrew Kevin Walker.

Ever since their milestone collaboration on SE7EN David Fincher and screenwriter A.K. Walker maintained a little more than a good working relationship. Walker did uncredited rewrites on both THE GAME and FIGHT CLUB and Fincher even paid an amusing tribute to the writer by naming the three detectives in FIGHT CLUB Detective Andrew, Detective Kevin, and Detective Walker.

His most prominent on-screen appearance has to be his role in SE7EN ... where he plays the first dead body, lying around on the floor!

Anyhow, Walker seems to be quite a guy, which makes it even the more unfortunate that the interview he conducted with Mr. Fincher isn't nearly long enough! Their talk happened back in 2002, around the time of the release of PANIC ROOM. It's fun to read and does contain a few minor tid-bits of info, such as, when David first began making short films ... and their astounding story-lines ...

This way to the article:

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