Fincher To Import "Utopia"?

Several places around the web report that David Fincher has laid his eyes on yet another British television landmark — potentially pairing with HBO and screenwriter Rian Johnson for a US-remake of "Utopia".

Says Wikipedia: "The story follows a small group of people who find themselves in possession of the manuscript sequel of a cult graphic novel called "The Utopia Experiments" which is rumoured to have predicted the worst disasters of the last century. This leads them to be targeted by an organisation known as 'The Network', which they must avoid to survive. Using the manuscript, they must uncover the meaning hidden in its pages before the disasters depicted become reality."

Check out this trailer that reveals absolutely not much about the series:

But looks like an interesting prospect, nonetheless, don't you think?

1 comment:

  1. i've seen this show - dark, stylized, unique and interesting characters and story. i can see fincher doing something very cool with it. it's also pretty damn violent - definitely something for netflix, showtime or hbo.
