Sweepstake Winner

I believe I have spotted her in the comments section before: Frequent visitor Kim H. won the "Films that scar" contest and will shortly be receiving her copy of "David Fincher: Films that scar", autographed by and courtesy of author Mark Browning.

Thanks to all of you for your donations and for participating in this sweepstake. I personally think this is fun, and I wish we can do stuff like this more often. Hey, wait, isn't the SE7EN BluRay coming out soon? Let's see if fincherfanatic.com can work something out...

As a mini solation to the non-winners, here's a second, very funny parody of the trailer for "The Social Network": "The Twit Network". I wonder when the first "IMDB" or "eBay" or "Amazon" trailers are going to pop up. It's probably just a matter of time. But that means two things: Obviously David Fincher's upcoming film is striking a nerve. And I am personally just having a lot of fun with those parodies... :-)

Remember: It's rated A for awesome!

The Twit Network

Here's the youtube link:


  1. I'm so excited to receive it and sink my teeth into it. Thank you again!

  2. Congratulations Kim!! Enjoy.
