Happy Birthday, Mr. Fincher!

Use comments to congratulate.


  1. I want to bring out a virtual toast to you, Mr. Fincher, the creator of my favorite movies, the director I most admire, for the great and inspiring and timeless films you have made and the stories you are still to bring us in the future.

    Your talent is unique, your vision a gift, your work much appreciated around the world; and mostly by us, your enthusiastic fans!

    Of all the good things I wish for you, this I wish the most: That with every day you get to work as a director you still get the satisfying, exciting and awesome feeling of knowing your childhood dream is continuing to come true!

    Thanks for making the Fincher movies --
    for you are the only one, who can make them.

    Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy birthday from Spain

  3. happy birthday,david.
    don't play too much Madden...

  4. Congrats, you're one step closer to hitting bottom:-)

  5. Happy Birthday from Europe

  6. Where's that goddamned $50 I lent you, Fincher?

  7. I doubt Fincher is narcisstic or self-infatuated enough to read this blog.

  8. I think Fincher sneaks in an occasional look at the WELL MAINTAINED CHRONICLE OF HIS WORK.

    Happy Birthday Finch.

  9. Right: Whenever Fincher gets confused about what it is he is doing at the moment, he checks this blog... Haha!

  10. Give us a sign, oh mighty Fincher!

  11. Fear not, my followers, for I am here...

  12. Man, I'm just watching Se7en for the hundreth time again... and I just gotta say: I LOVE FINCHER'S FILMS! Especially if compared to all that other crap that's out there... Hollywood should make more movies like Se7en, then people wouldn't be so detached from modern filmmaking. It should be more of an art form, and less of a cash cow.
