Empire Exclusive - Feature On Benjamin Button

+++ UPDATED 2008/10/30 +++
Since some of you had trouble with the download-link, I have added an alternative. Hopefully works fine now!

This year's November issue of Empire Magazine is definitely worth the grab: Not only does it showcase the 500 Greatest Movies of all time. But also an exclusive first look at "The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button". Time to show some love: With much gratitude I can say, Courtesy of Empire Magazine you can read the article via this blog!

Empire got a hold of David Fincher during the post-production of "Benjamin Button" and had a chance to talk about what originally drew Fincher to the project, the vast technical challenges that needed to be mastered and what his crowded production slate will look like after the "Button".

"There are moments in this movie a hair's breadth shy of cliché", the article starts out. But all of that changes of course when you have a 12 year-old in the scene, who looks 67. The article gives impressions of the mood of the film, which to me are nothing short of mouth-watering, delves into the long development history of the project and about what made Fincher finally decide to make the picture.

"I think I probably read Robin Swicord's draft and thought it was about love. And then I read Eric Roth's and thought it was about death. And I thought that was a more profound context for a love story. You know, the greatest love stories always end in death. The spectre of death determines the yardstick by which your life is meassured."

From a green-painted Brad Pitt with a digital alter ego to giant-breasted dragon-slayers this article has it all. Including a snippet to end all speculation about Fincher's favorite flick(s):

Some of these I have heard Fincher mention before, "Butch Cassidy", "Jaws", "Chinatown", and "All The Presidents Men". I was surprised (yet not really) to come across "Zelig", which is a movie I tend to forget about, although it was great, and which certainly shares some of that "Forrest Gump", "Ben Button" vibe. But my mind really started spinning and I couldn't stop wondering what a David Fincher remake of "Monty Python & The Holy Grail" might look like!

Anyway, no more previewing. You can tell it's a great read, right? Show some love to Empire Magazine, pick their magazine up on newsstands whenever you have the chance, and read their fantastic article here:

Empire Online
Empire Exclusive: The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
(Right-Click, Save As)

New Download-Link:
Empire Exclusive: The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button


  1. Nice list.

    Road Warrior? Is that Mad Max or something elese?

  2. The download is not working.

  3. @ Brent

    Did you do a right-click? -- Should work just fine.

  4. I tried to right-click it, didn't work as well.

  5. Worked for me - I'll still buy the mag but was nice to have a preview.

  6. Where can I get the Empire magazine in Europe?

  7. dowload not working as well....


  8. the Fincher's list is interesting, but it's too bad there isn't recent films.

  9. Don't be surprised about Zelig. I've heard it from the man's lips personally that he thinks Zelig is a perfect film.

  10. thanks for the new link.

    it worked perfectly.

  11. Ouch! It says in the article that Benjamin Button will be released on January 22... whatever happened to the Christmas release??

  12. don't worry brent. that's just the UK release date.

  13. MikeZ: Road Warrior is the US version of Mad Max II.

  14. Where can I order this issue of Empire magazine?
